Egosurfing and personal branding

Egosurfing and personal branding

Egosurfing or vanity search is a common practice by which we search our own name or pseudonym on Google or other search engine to check what websites show up. This practice is not only useful for celebrities and public figures but for anyone interested in what people find when googling our name, for privacy and personal branding purposes. Searching

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The attention economy

The attention economy

Attention economy is an interesting concept from information management that helps us to understand some current trends in online business and advertising. The basic idea consists in considering human attention a scarce resource, due to the modern phenomenon of information overload. Getting and keeping the audience’s attention is an increasingly difficult challenge and most of the marketing efforts focus on

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Online political marketing

Online political marketing

Within the online marketing world, political marketing has become an interesting specialty. Politicians nowadays have and maintain communication channels to promote their campaigns and keep contact with the electorate. Initiatives as the electronic vote and the digital democracy (or e-democracy) promise to get the political and online spheres much closer in the future. Online marketing allows

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How to manage online reputation

How to manage online reputation

Online reputation is a brand’s prestige or perceived value on the Internet. We understand “brand” in its broad sense: it could be a product, service, company, organisation or individual. They all require online reputation management. Online reputation management has become an area of growing interest in marketing since the Internet became one of the preferred

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Kidults, the adultescent market

Kidults, the adultescent market

“Kidult”, sometimes referred as the kidult or adultescent generation, is a marketing neologism created to describe a new and growing market. There is an increasing number of products and services targeted to this segment. The kidult generation There have been given many and different explanations for the kidult phenomenon. Some link the kidult culture with

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